Helping the Homeless

By David J. Stewart

Proverb 19:17, “He that hath pity upon the poor lendeth unto the LORD; and that which he hath given will he pay him again.”

       Please do something special for a homeless person this Thanksgiving and Christmas season.

So many Americans selfishly stuff their face all-year-round. Why not find some homeless people and brighten their day in Jesus' name? There is no holiday for the homeless. People have so many excuses why they shouldn't help the poor. It's sad.

Recently, I had the wonderful opportunity to help a homeless couple in the Lord. I gave some money and a Gospel of John to a homeless man named Augustine.

He was happy and called for his wife Leilani, who also came over. I gave the man more money for his wife, so they could eat dinner together. I told them that the money was from Jesus, Who had laid it upon my heart to give it to them. I also gave his wife a Gospel of John. Tears began running down the woman's face and they both asked me to pray with them, which I gladly did.

They showed me where they live in the park, behind some rocks, under some trees. That is their home. They had seen me before passing out Gospels of John. This was the first time the man approached me, but I immediately wanted to help them and be a blessing for my Lord. What a privilege!

I witnessed to them both concerning the precious Lord Jesus Christ. They listened attentively. His wife quoted John 3:16 word perfect. I learned that Leilani was already a Christian, and Augustine received Christ today. Then we all sang “What A Friend We Have In Jesus Together” (which is found on the last page of the Gospel of John booklets that I pass out to people). We spoke together for about 20-minutes and then they asked me to pray again, and I gladly did. We went our different ways; but the Lord was there in the midst of our little group, and we were all blessed.

It's very important that you let people know you are helping them in Jesus' name, so they will glorify God and hopefully come to Christ for salvation if they're not already saved. It does little good to help a homeless person if they are going to burn in Hell for all eternity. Getting people saved ought to be the number one priority of every ministry.

I hope you'll join me in a personal ministry of soul-winning, helping the homeless and passing out Gospels of John. Jesus tells us in Matthew 6:20 to “lay up for yourselves treasures in Heaven.” And the very next verse says, “For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.” My heart is in Heaven, that is where I long to be, that is where my home is at which the Lord hath promised to prepare for me (John 14:3), where my heavenly family awaits my arrival (Ephesians 3:15), where my physical pain will be no more, and I'll be present with my precious Lord Jesus Christ (2nd Corinthians 5:8).

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